60/8 Schmetz Universal Needle in a 5 Pack

60/8 Schmetz Universal Needle in a 5 Pack

Regular price $ 1.92 Sale price $ 2.40 Unit price per
This Schmetz quality general purpose needle can be used on knit or woven fabrics. A casual sewer who might repair a pair of jeans today, a childs T-shirt tomorrow, and some lingere next month will probably use this needle most often. It will do a number of tasks sufficiently. It has a long scarf that is great for zigzag stitching and it does not damage knits. It is sharp enough to go through a lot of fabrics but it does have a slight ball point which does not make it ideal for going through many layers or high thread count fabrics.
Schmetz is internationally known as the finest sewing machine needle manufacturer in the world. Your choice of Schmetz high quality sewing machine needles can result in the same high quality of maintaining smooth, even stitches in your work.~